Christopher Juckins

SysAdmin Tips, Tricks and other Software Tools

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Installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on VirtualBox

  • Choose download updates while installing
  • Choose to install 3rd party software
  • At first load, unlock unnecessary icons from launcher
  • Use sudo -i instead of root

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions

  • sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
    • Still reports current running kernel headers not installed
  • Guest Additions installed okay

Install MyUnity to tweak fonts

If you cannot manage Network connections (grayed out):

  • Manage some network settings through the System Settings Menu
  • Edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManger.conf
    • Change line to managed=true
  • sudo service network-manager restart

Install and configure vpnc packages

Show Boot Messages

ubuntu_notes.1425783361.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/07 21:56 by juckins