Christopher Juckins

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Install Unifi controller on Ubuntu

These instructions were validated for unifi controller v5.7.23 being installed on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

  • Start with clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 on Oracle VirtualBox v5.2.12.
  • Install java 8 using or
  • If desired, install the firewall GUI administration tool from the Ubuntu Software icon that shows up in the left sidebar after a clean install using the default desktop
      • As of 14 July 2018, add TCP ports 8080, 8443 and UDP 3478 to public/permanent
      • Note: Enabling Cloud Access and accessing the controller via instead does not require opening 8443, and is safer since no direct Internet access is permitted to your controller's management.
$ sudo -s
install_unifi_on_ubuntu.1531657923.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/15 08:32 by juckins