Christopher Juckins

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awk examples

cat files_changed_within_72hrs.sort.txt | awk -F " " '{print $NF}'
cat files_changed_within_72hrs.sort.txt | awk -F " " '{print $3,$5}'

Turn something like this: FreeWind_SFC not in ONA_GRIDGFS_20190627_1800 into this: FreeWind_SFC ONA_GRIDGFS


awk -F " " '{print $10,$13}' | sed -E 's/[0-9]*//g'| sed -E 's/__$//g' |tail -4

(Adjust the $10,$13 fields as appropriate)

awk_examples.1561729311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/28 09:41 by juckins