Christopher Juckins

SysAdmin Tips, Tricks and other Software Tools

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centos_8_migration_notes [2020/10/14 15:10] juckinscentos_8_migration_notes [2021/01/26 16:59] juckins
Line 1: Line 1:
 ==== CentOS 8 Migration Notes ==== ==== CentOS 8 Migration Notes ====
-<color #ed1c24>Below is copied from [[centos_7_migration_notes|CentOS 7 Migration Notes]] so modify as needed.</color>+Fix php for phpmyadmin: 
 +  dnf install php-gd php-ldap php-mysqlnd php-pecl-mcrypt php-pecl-zip 
 +Also comment out the cookie validity setting in 
 +Secure the mariadb 
 +Fix php.ini from known good config 
 +Configure $HOME/.vimrc as the following: 
 +  autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o 
 +  # python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip 
 +  # python3 -m pip install dictor 
 +  # python3 -m pip install wheel 
 +  # python3 -m pip install httplib2 
 +  # python3 -m pip install PyMySQL 
 +<color #ed1c24>**Below is copied from [[centos_7_migration_notes|CentOS 7 Migration Notes]] so modify as needed.**</color>
 Other fixes: Other fixes:
Line 16: Line 36:
     * mkdir ("$log_dir", 0755);     * mkdir ("$log_dir", 0755);
     * should crons write to /tmp and then have a daily script that checks cron logs for errors?     * should crons write to /tmp and then have a daily script that checks cron logs for errors?
   * Get inventory of users   * Get inventory of users
 +  * ///
 +  * Check that PHP is working correctly, localhost/index.php tries to open a file
 +    * check httpd.conf
 +  * ///
 +  * Clear all history from Firefox before testing phpmyadmin
 +    * Check httpd logs for any errors, such as mod security
 +    * uninstall [[|mod_security]] if necessary
 +  * [[|Add https and http to firewall rules]]
 +    * ''firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent''
 +    * ''firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent''
   * <color #ed1c24>MySQL / MariaDB Database and users</color>   * <color #ed1c24>MySQL / MariaDB Database and users</color>
     * [[|Reset mysql root password]]     * [[|Reset mysql root password]]
     * [[|Notes for installing LAMP]] on CentOS 8     * [[|Notes for installing LAMP]] on CentOS 8
-    * [[|Migrate with rsync]]+    * [[]] 
 +    * [[|Migrate all databases with mysqldump]] 
 +      * Note that the restore of mysql does not use "--all-databases" option and is an error in link above
     * [[|Migrate with tar]]     * [[|Migrate with tar]]
     * [[|Migrate MySQL users to new machine]]     * [[|Migrate MySQL users to new machine]]
-      * Don'forget to add semicolons with this:  # sed -i ‘/[^;] *$/s/$/;/’ ./grantfile+      * They can be exported from phpmyadmin (but don'include root)
   * export MySQL databases with mysqldump   * export MySQL databases with mysqldump
     * [[|Migrate MySQL database to new server]]     * [[|Migrate MySQL database to new server]]
Line 49: Line 86:
   * Note firewall rules   * Note firewall rules
     * [[|Export Firewall Rules to new server]]     * [[|Export Firewall Rules to new server]]
-Note these installed perl RPMs: 
-''# rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" | grep -i perl | sort'' 
 Must-Have functionality: Must-Have functionality:
Line 197: Line 109:
   * Working crontabs for each user   * Working crontabs for each user
   * [[python_notes|Install Python 3]]   * [[python_notes|Install Python 3]]
-Contents of /etc/yum.repos.d (CentOS 7): 
-  * adobe-linux-x86_64.repo 
-  * CentOS-Base.repo 
-  * CentOS-CR.repo 
-  * CentOS-Debuginfo.repo 
-  * CentOS-fasttrack.repo 
-  * CentOS-Media.repo 
-  * CentOS-Sources.repo 
-  * CentOS-Vault.repo 
-  * epel.repo 
-  * epel-testing.repo 
-  * google-chrome.repo 
-  * nux-dextop.repo 
-For a continuation of GNOME2 in CentOS7, use "MATE" 
-  * Best option is to do a "minimal install" and follow [[|Installing MATE on CentOS 7]] 
-Other info on MATE: 
-  * \\ 
-  * \\ 
-  * \\ 
-  * 
-  * 
-  * 
 Customize MATE Desktop displays Customize MATE Desktop displays
Line 239: Line 122:
     * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Reset and Clear > F2     * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Reset and Clear > F2
   * Disable Vim auto-indent following [[vim_tips|Vi and Vim Tips]]   * Disable Vim auto-indent following [[vim_tips|Vi and Vim Tips]]
-  * <del>Adjust System > Preferences > Personal > Startup Applications</del> 
-    * <del>Disable the SELinux Troubleshooter</del> 
-    * <del>Add PackageKit Update Applet</del> 
-      * <del>description: PackageKit Update Applet</del> 
-      * <del>command: gpk-update-viewer</del> 
 Change setting on screensaver Change setting on screensaver
Line 253: Line 131:
   * Moving display of current CPU usage should appear   * Moving display of current CPU usage should appear
-__Fresh VirtualBox Installation Notes 8 Nov 2015 (previous install 30 Sept 2014)__ +----
- +
-  * Preferable to use local .iso file to conserve bandwidth for multiple installs  +
-  * Used for package repository +
-  * On initial config screen, ensure the network connection is activated +
-  * You can also disable SELinux +
-  * <del>Manually set mount points for /boot, /, swap</del> +
-  * * <del>Make sure /boot is 1024MB large</del> +
-  * Let system create mount points automatically +
-    * After they are suggested, change from LVM to Standard Mount +
-    * May want to increase the boot and "efi" boot partitions from 500MB to 750MB and 200MB to 500MB +
-  * Used default "xfs" filesystem +
-  * For software packages, if you only choose something like Web Server you will not get graphical login +
-  * Choose a general desktop option, too +
-  * Boot into machine +
-  * Note the IP address +
- +
-Use nmtui-hostname to [[|change the system hostname]] +
-<code> +
-# nmcli general hostname +
-# nmcli general hostname new_server_name +
-# systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed +
-</code> +
- +
-dnf -y update, reboot, verify latest kernel is loaded by GRUB +
- +
-Only keep 1 old kernel +
- +
-Ensure gcc, make, kernel-devel are installed. +
- +
-Install Virtual Box Guest Additions +
-  * Took 10 minutes to install +
- +
-Reboot +
- +
-Add 2nd hard drive to /etc/fstab [[adding_a_second_hard_drive|following these notes]] +
- +
-Prepare to run the local dnf installer script +
-  * Also installs [[|EPEL repository]] +
-  * Best to run the script by establishing SSH connection to box from a different machine. +
-  * Pipe output to log file and tail the log file +
-  * [[yum_installer_bash_script_centos8|dnf installer bash script (CentOS 8)]] +
- +
-[[install_configure_cpan|CPAN packages]] to install: +
-  * <color #ed1c24>NOTE</color>: Do not update .bashrc for library locations or else they will go into the wrong path +
-    * [[|Wrong location of perl libraries]] +
-  * Array::Utils +
-    * //Note, this module is not needed. Was used in ASMAD and +
-    * Start up cpan as root (initial time) +
-    * Run through the manual configuration process, accept the defaults +
-    * Start up cpan as root +
-    * > install CPAN (this updates the CPAN packages) +
-    * cpan Array::Utils +
-  * Time::Elapsed (cpan) +
-    * //Note, this module is not needed. Was used in syncing to CDN.// +
-    * As root, had to: +
-    * cd /root/.cpan/build/Time-Elapsed-0.31-N9mZvj/lib/Time +
-    * cp -rp * /usr/share/perl5/Time +
-    * Another option is to install modules locally +
-    * Yet another option is to use modules that are in a repository +
- +
-[[|Ensure Adobe Flash plugin is installed]] +
- +
-[[|Ensure Apache is installed and running]] +
-  * check /etc/httpd.conf as well as permissions on html/ directory +
-  * [[|Tips for users and permissions #1]] +
-  * [[|Tips for users and permissions #2]] +
- +
-[[centos_php7.2_upgrade|Upgrade PHP to version 7.2]] +
- +
-Migrate /etc/php.ini from old server and relax settings due to test env: +
-<code> +
-;max_execution_time = 30      +
-max_execution_time = 3600     +
-;max_input_time = 60 +
-max_input_time = 3600 +
-;memory_limit = 128M +
-memory_limit = 1024M +
-;display_errors = Off +
-display_errors = On +
-;post_max_size = 8M +
-post_max_size = 250M +
-;upload_max_filesize = 2M +
-upload_max_filesize = 250M +
-;date.timezone =  +
-date.timezone = "America/New_York" +
-;session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 +
-session.gc_maxlifetime = 7200 +
-</code> +
-<code> +
-# systemctl restart httpd.service +
-</code> +
- +
-[[|Install and Secure MySQL (mariadb)]]+
 Database work: Database work:
Line 372: Line 157:
       * systemctl enable mariadb.service       * systemctl enable mariadb.service
     * mysql DATABASE -h localhost -u USER -p'PASS' < /tmp/DATABASE.sql     * mysql DATABASE -h localhost -u USER -p'PASS' < /tmp/DATABASE.sql
-  * Note CentOS7 comes with PHP 5.4 and latest version of phpMyAdmin that will work is 4.4.x 
-    * [[centos_php5.6_upgrade|Install PHP 5.6 on CentOS 7]] 
-  * Run through phpmyadmin install steps listed in [[installing_phpmyadmin_tips]] 
-    * [[|Download and Install phpMyAdmin]] 
-    * With PHP 5.6, the latest version of phpMyAdmin (4.6.4) is fully supported 
-  * Copy config from previous machine 
 Setup ddclient: Setup ddclient:
Line 404: Line 182:
 Restore /etc/hosts from previous machine as needed Restore /etc/hosts from previous machine as needed
-Disable virbro0 network connection if needed: 
-# virsh net-destroy default 
-# virsh net-undefine default 
-# service libvirtd restart 
-# ifconfig  
 Then, edit the network connections and make sure the "Ethernet" tab for the active connection, such as enp0s3, has the "Device" set to that interface.  Reboot to test. Then, edit the network connections and make sure the "Ethernet" tab for the active connection, such as enp0s3, has the "Device" set to that interface.  Reboot to test.
Line 419: Line 189:
   * [[|JPG image]]   * [[|JPG image]]
   * [[|PNG image]]   * [[|PNG image]]
-[[|Install Google Chrome]] 
-[[|Install Google Chrome (Alt)]] 
-Fix Google Chrome fonts: 
-# dnf install google*fonts 
-  * open Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced and set fonts as follows: 
-    * Standard font: Noto Serif 
-    * Serif font: Noto Serif 
-    * Sans-serif font: Noto Sans 
-    * Fixed-width font: Roboto Mono 
 [[|Install Oracle Java]] (note, this is not the default CentOS, it will not auto-update)  [[|Install Oracle Java]] (note, this is not the default CentOS, it will not auto-update) 
-Adobe Reader - use evince instead +Install X2Go
- +
-Install NX/NoMachine v3 +
-  * Install 3 RPMs noted above +
-  * Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and comment out line "AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys" because NX uses authorized_keys2 +
-  * /bin/systemctl restart  sshd.service +
-  * To start up MATE, edit /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg to be: +
-  * CommandStartGnome "/etc/X11/xinit/Xsession mate-session" (note "xinit" was added to path) +
-  * To fix keyboard mapping, open terminal and run this command: +
-    * setxkbmap -model evdev -layout us > /tmp/setxkbmap.log 2>&+
-    * [[|Keyboard Mapping is incorrect with NX Client]] +
-    * You can make a little bash script and have it run as a startup application +
-  * Notes gleaned from and +
- +
-NX/NoMachine Troubleshooting: +
-  * Had v3 RPMs installed; removed and installed v4 to test. Failed. Removed v4 RPMs. +
-  * Upon reinstalling the 3 v3 RPMs, could not authenticate to target server. +
-  * Removed nxclient, nxnode, nxserver v3 RPMs again. +
-  * rm -rf /usr/NX completely +
-  * Reinstalled the 3 v3 RPMs.  Authentication fixed +
-  * Start/stop server with the following: +
-    * /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status +
-    * /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --stop +
-    * /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --start +
- +
-NX for work VPN +
-  * Removed nxclient-3.5.0-7.x86_64.rpm, nxnode-3.5.0-9.x86_64.rpm, nxserver-3.5.0-11.x86_64.rpm +
-  * Used to find opennx +
-  * Installed opennx-0.16-724.el6.centos.1.x86_64.rpm +
-  * Tried connecting to remote machine as shadow session and it also failed; ensured the remote machine had a normal session established first using the same user +
- +
-VPN connections +
-  * <del>NetworkManager-openconnect not available in channels</del> (in epel) +
-  * <del>Retrieved from</del> +
- +
-<del>Percona toolkit: percona-toolkit-2.2.11-1.noarch.rpm</del>+
 Restore Thunderbird profile Restore Thunderbird profile
Line 483: Line 201:
 Test ASMAD for processing end-to-end Test ASMAD for processing end-to-end
-<del>Install Skype rpm (skype- following these steps: 
-dnf install alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686 qt.i686 1:qt-x11.i686 libXScrnSaver.i686 libXv.i686 
-rpm -Uvh 
-dnf localinstall 
-[[|Skype Tips]] 
 SSH issues SSH issues
Line 620: Line 327:
   * For other run-level info, see [[|RHEL7 Working with Systemd Targets]]   * For other run-level info, see [[|RHEL7 Working with Systemd Targets]]
-Plugin to right-side lower USB jack on HP Pavilion P7-1235, type dmesg at root prompt to see if it was found by system 
-  [37013.137134] usb 8-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=0a44 
-  [37013.137145] usb 8-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 
-  [37013.137151] usb 8-1: Product: Logitech USB Headset 
-  [37013.137160] usb 8-1: Manufacturer: Logitech 
-  [37013.399267] input: Logitech Logitech USB Headset as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1/usb8/8-1/8-  
-  1:1.3/input/input85 
-  [37013.449648] hid-generic 0003:046D:0A44.004B: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.00 Device [Logitech Logitech USB  
-  Headset] on usb-0000:00:10.1-1/input3 
-Right-click the speaker icon in the top panel and choose Sound Preferences.  Or, navigate to System > Preferences > Hardware > Sound \\ 
-Sound effects tab:  Sound theme: No Sounds\\ 
-Hardware tab:  Highlight Headset H390, Profile: Analog Stereo Output + Analog Mono Input \\ 
-Input tab:  choose Headset H390 Analog Mono \\ 
-Output tab:  choose Headset H390 Analog Stereo, Connector is Headphones 
-Settings are saved to $HOME/.config/pulse 
-See Linux Mint [[|Sound settings keep switching output against my will]] and possibly [[|HDMI + Sound + Mint 18]] 
-__OLD Notes and Issues__ 
-If on VirtualBox, go to main menu and choose "Insert Guest Additions CD Image..." and run the following commands: 
-mount -o ro /dev/disk/by-label/VBOXADDITIONS* /mnt 
-cd /mnt 
-./ --nox11 
-shutdown -r now 
-Missing Desktop icons: 
-  - Make sure caja is the default file manager in System --> Control Center --> Preferred Applications -->System tab. 
-  - Add caja to automatically start in System--> Control Center --> Startup Applications. 
-  - Reboot. 
-**Tried /usr/bin/display with a .jpg or .png file, but this error results:** 
-[juckins@centos7-test-64: /tmp/splash]$ display default.png  
-display: color is not known to server `FOREGROUND':  
-No such file or directory @ error/xwindow.c/XGetPixelPacket/3064. 
-  * This does work on FC20 i686.  libpng may be a different version.   
-  * Test images in $HOME/Downloads 
-ImageMagick may be a different version. 
-UPDATE: Does work after installing Skype and its dependencies below (nux-desktop?) 
-Comment out the GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT line in /etc/default/grub using a # at the start of the line, and grub should use a graphics mode again 
-First see if the default kernel is the latest one for boot.  If not, add the following line to /etc/default/grub 
-Also remove the "rhgb quiet" flags. 
-Get the splash.png from and put into /boot/grub2/ 
-Then run:  
-<code>grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg</code> 
-Notes on grub splash screen: 
-  *  
-  * 
centos_8_migration_notes.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/08 16:03 by juckins