Christopher Juckins

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centos_8_migration_notes [2020/09/29 18:50] – created juckinscentos_8_migration_notes [2020/10/15 18:32] juckins
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-==== CentOS8 Migration Notes ====+==== CentOS 8 Migration Notes ==== 
 +<color #ed1c24>**Below is copied from [[centos_7_migration_notes|CentOS 7 Migration Notes]] so modify as needed.**</color> 
 +Other fixes: 
 +  * Disable WiFi LAN connection with ''# nmcli radio wifi off'' 
 +  * [[|Disable bell]] 
 +For migrating a system from a different OS, take note of this info first: 
 +  * Make a test user on CentOS7 and one on CentOS8 
 +    * Compare hidden files to see if anything changed between OSs 
 +    * This allows for easy migrating of data for users' $HOME directories 
 +  * ensure all scripts make their own log file directory 
 +    * $log_dir = "/var/tmp/check_disk_space"; 
 +    * mkdir ("$log_dir", 0755); 
 +    * should crons write to /tmp and then have a daily script that checks cron logs for errors? 
 +  * Get inventory of users 
 +  * /// 
 +  * Check that PHP is working correctly, localhost/index.php tries to open a file 
 +    * check httpd.conf 
 +  * /// 
 +  * Clear all history from Firefox before testing phpmyadmin 
 +    * Check httpd logs for any errors, such as mod security 
 +    * uninstall [[|mod_security]] if necessary 
 +  * [[|Add https and http to firewall rules]] 
 +  * <color #ed1c24>MySQL / MariaDB Database and users</color> 
 +    * [[|Reset mysql root password]] 
 +    * [[|Notes for installing LAMP]] on CentOS 8 
 +    * [[]] 
 +    * [[|Migrate all databases with mysqldump]] 
 +      * Note that the restore of mysql does not use "--all-databases" option and is an error in link above 
 +    * [[|Migrate with tar]] 
 +    * [[|Migrate MySQL users to new machine]] 
 +      * They can be exported from phpmyadmin (but don't include root) 
 +  * export MySQL databases with mysqldump 
 +    * [[|Migrate MySQL database to new server]] 
 +    * [[|Move MySQL databases to new server]] 
 +  * list of installed perl modules 
 +    * grep all .pl script and look for the "use " calls 
 +  * Copy the following to accessible location for restore after upgrade 
 +    * users' $HOME 
 +    * crons should be in each user's $HOME/crontab 
 +    * various processing log files from /var/tmp/ 
 +    * /etc/ssh/*key* or possibly the entire directory contents (this may prevent man-in-the-middle attack messages but testing needed) 
 +    * /etc/hosts 
 +    * /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
 +    * Samba users, passwords, shares (for security cameras) 
 +      * /etc/samba/smb.conf 
 +      * /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tbd 
 +      * /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tbd 
 +      * Make sure service is running and will start at boot. 
 +      * Check output with: testparm -v 
 +  * nxclient-3.5.0-7.x86_64.rpm 
 +  * nxnode-3.5.0-9.x86_64.rpm 
 +  * nxserver-3.5.0-11.x86_64.rpm 
 +  * <del>skype-</del> 
 +  * verify services that should be installed/running in chkconfig 
 +  * Note firewall rules 
 +    * [[|Export Firewall Rules to new server]] 
 +Must-Have functionality: 
 +  * Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl 
 +  * [[|fail2ban]] 
 +    * edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local to ban for longer than default of 1 hour 
 +    * Check logs: # cat /var/log/fail2ban.log 
 +    * Ensure service is running: 
 +      * ''# systemctl enable fail2ban'' 
 +      * ''# systemctl restart fail2ban'' 
 +  * [[gmail_as_a_relay_on_linux|Set up Gmail Relay and test]] 
 +  * Disable SELinux 
 +  * VSFTP (for security cameras) 
 +    * [[|Config instructions]] 
 +    * [[|500 writeable root error]] 
 +    * As root: setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access on  
 +    * As root: systemctl restart vsftpd 
 +    * As root: systemctl enable vsftpd 
 +  * Samba 
 +    * [[samba_file_sharing|Samba File Sharing]] 
 +  * <del>Skype</del> 
 +  * Virtual Box 
 +  * Working crontabs for each user 
 +  * [[python_notes|Install Python 3]] 
 +Customize MATE Desktop displays 
 +  * Adjust System > Preferences > Look and Feel > Appearance 
 +  * Under Fonts tab, set all to size 8 
 +  * Click Details, set resolution to 96 dpi, Smoothing Grayscale, Hinting Slight, Subpixel order RGB 
 +  * Firefox has large bullets for password masking.  Theme setting? 
 +  * [[|Configure Desktop]] 
 +  * Set up gnome-terminal preferences 
 +    * General: Font Monospace 9, No terminal bell 
 +    * Colors: Use colors from system theme 
 +    * Scrolling: unlimited 
 +    * Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Reset and Clear > F2 
 +  * Disable Vim auto-indent following [[vim_tips|Vi and Vim Tips]] 
 +Change setting on screensaver 
 +  * System > Preferences > Look and Feel > Screensaver 
 +System Monitor (needs mate-system-monitor and mate-applets RPMs): 
 +  * Right-click top panel > Add to Panel 
 +  * In the "Find an item to add to the panel:" search box, enter "System Monitor" and click Add 
 +  * Moving display of current CPU usage should appear 
 +Database work: 
 +  * Backup /etc/my.cnf 
 +    * Add this line under [mysqld] 
 +      * default-storage-engine=MyISAM 
 +  * Add other database users with phpMyAdmin GUI 
 +    * set username 
 +    * set password 
 +    * select "Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)." 
 +  * Dump all databases from source server to sql file then import on target server 
 +    * mysqldump -u USER -p'PASS' DATABASE > /tmp/DATABASE.sql 
 +    * Ensure database on target server exists; create if necessary 
 +      * Tables migrated should be MyISAM 
 +      * Default database engine is InnoDB as<color #ed1c24>Red Highlighted Text</color> of MySQL 5.5 
 +      * [[|Perform some tests and queries]] 
 +        * The exact number of rows of InnoDB tables cannot be shown 
 +        * Need to monitor /var</fc>/lib/mysql for growing logs 
 +        * <color #ed1c24>CHECK</color>: [[|Manage and Cleanup InnoDB Infrastructure]] 
 +        * [[|Similar Post 1]]  
 +        * [[|Similar Post 2]] 
 +        * [[|dev.mysql info]] 
 +      * Alternatively, set MyISAM to default database engine 
 +      * systemctl start mariadb.service 
 +      * systemctl enable mariadb.service 
 +    * mysql DATABASE -h localhost -u USER -p'PASS' < /tmp/DATABASE.sql 
 +Setup ddclient: 
 +  * 
 +  * dnf -y install ddclient 
 +  * Use /etc/ddclient/* for configs from previous machine 
 +Setup duckdns: 
 +  * crontab is <code>~/duckdns/ >/dev/null 2>&1</code> 
 +Setup ydns: 
 +  * crontab is <code>~/ydns/ -V -u <snip> -p <snip> -H >>~/ydns/updater.log 2>&1</code> 
 +Firewall notes: 
 +  * Using firewall-config to close rules from previous machine 
 +rsync /var/www/html/  
 +  * test pages for proper display 
 +  * check soft link to phpmy is correct and current 
 +Restore and test crons 
 +  * check that each cron job runs and the specified log directory exists 
 +Backup /etc/selinux/config and change from enforcing to permissive 
 +Restore /etc/hosts from previous machine as needed 
 +Then, edit the network connections and make sure the "Ethernet" tab for the active connection, such as enp0s3, has the "Device" set to that interface.  Reboot to test. 
 +Download sample .png, .gif, .jpg images and test /usr/bin/display for any errors 
 +  * [[|GIF image]] 
 +  * [[|JPG image]] 
 +  * [[|PNG image]] 
 +[[|Install Oracle Java]] (note, this is not the default CentOS, it will not auto-update)  
 +Install X2Go 
 +Restore Thunderbird profile 
 +Restore Firefox profile 
 +Restore VirtualBox and all machines 
 +Test ASMAD for processing end-to-end 
 +SSH issues 
 +  * Cannot ssh to yourself passwordlessly with default /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
 +  * Comment out the following line, like this: 
 +  * #AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys   
 +  * This allows you to NX into the CentOS7 machine 
 +  * Update to openssh seems to require RSA keys now and authorized_keys file instead of DSA keys and authorized_keys2 file 
 +  * Set "PermitRootLogin no" 
 +  * <del>But MATE does not work, tried KDE with dnf group install "KDE Plasma Workspaces" and seems to work better but still no icons on the screen</del> 
 +  * <del>But need to configure custom desktop to use /etc/X11/xinit/Xsession mate-session</del> 
 +  * <del>Also tried /usr/bin/startxfce4 but still general odd behavior</del> 
 +  * Additional tips: 
 +  * systemctl restart sshd.service 
 +  * User accounts at remove machines connecting to the new machine will need their $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts either rebuilt or offending entries removed 
 +Update GRUB and splash screen 
 +  * My saved splash images with varying resolutions are in /root/downloads/splash 
 +  * <color #ed1c24>As of CentOS 7.2 cannot get custom splash image to appear at boot (with UEFI)</color> 
 +  * cd /etc/default 
 +  * cp grub grub.YYYYMMDD 
 +  * vi grub  
 +    * remove "rhgb quiet" from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX call 
 +    * add "vga=0x317" to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX call for better screen resolution (try 0x34b for 1920x1200x8 or 0x34c for 1920x1200x16, or vga=ask to see all available resolutions) 
 +    * comment out this line: GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT="console" 
 +    * add this line: GRUB_BACKGROUND="/boot/grub2/splash.png" 
 +      * Ensure it is rw-r-r permissions 
 +      * [[|Upload this image]] to the directory noted above 
 +  * For VM/BIOS-based installs, as root: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg (Dell XPS 8930) 
 +  * For UEFI-based installs, as root: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg 
 +  * More info at [[|Customizing the Grub2 Config File]] and [[|RHEL7 GRUB Guide]] 
 +  * [[|Change GRUB Menu Resolution]] 
 +  * [[|Change GRUB2 splash screen in CentOS 7]] 
 +  * [[]] 
 +  * [[]] 
 +    * Tried part about making a special font 
 +    * Tried installing all grub2* rpms 
 +    * Tried 640x480 small splash image 
 +Set default GRUB entry 
 +  * Download [[|grub2-select.bash]] 
 +If GRUB2 no longer finds other OS to boot (such as Windows 10) use [[|SourceForge Boot Repair Disk]] 
 +Install [[clamav_antivirus|ClamAV]] 
 +Set up local printer(s) 
 +  * Note that Brother has notes for the HL2170W at 
 +    * RPM #1: brhl2170wlpr-2.0.2-1.i386.rpm 
 +    * RPM #2: cupswrapperHL2170W-2.0.2-1.i386.rpm 
 +    * Use 'lpstat' and 'lpq' to ensure it's a known destination printer 
 +  * [[|RHEL7 Print Settings]] 
 +  * dnf install cups 
 +  * service cups start 
 +  * systemctl enable cups 
 +  * Use System > Administration > Print Settings 
 +    * Add printer with Network JetDirect by IP address 
 +    * Default printer driver works OK 
 +  * Or use web browser: 
 +  * # dnf install httpd 
 +  * # /bin/systemctl start httpd.service 
 +  * # dnf install system-config-firewall 
 +  * # firewall-config (or System > Administration > Firewall) 
 +    * Allow http and https as rules 
 +    * Sometimes the firewall-config command will hang if trying to run via an SSH connection to a remote machine 
 +    * To add a port manually follow [[]] 
 +    * To close a port manually follow [[]] 
 +  * # systemctl enable httpd 
 +  * Go to http://localhost:631 
 +    * Go to Administration tab 
 +    * Enter credentials for user root 
 +    * Add printer with prompts 
 +Firewall Notes  
 +  * Adding an allowed port at the command line (from [[]] 
 +  * Use this command to find your active zone(s): 
 +firewall-cmd --get-active-zones 
 +  * It will say either public, dmz, or something else. You should only apply to the zones required. 
 +  * If you want to add a port such as 8080 to your public zone: 
 +firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent 
 +  * Then remember to reload the firewall for changes to take effect. 
 +firewall-cmd --reload 
 +Managing runlevel settings 
 +  * Switch to runlevel 5: 
 +# systemctl isolate 
 +  * Initiate runlevel 5 by default:  
 +# systemctl set-default 
 +  * Switch to runlevel 3: 
 +# systemctl isolate 
 +  * Initiate runlevel 3 by default:  
 +# systemctl set-default 
 +  * For other run-level info, see [[|RHEL7 Working with Systemd Targets]] 
 +Plugin to right-side lower USB jack on HP Pavilion P7-1235, type dmesg at root prompt to see if it was found by system 
 +  [37013.137134] usb 8-1: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=0a44 
 +  [37013.137145] usb 8-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 
 +  [37013.137151] usb 8-1: Product: Logitech USB Headset 
 +  [37013.137160] usb 8-1: Manufacturer: Logitech 
 +  [37013.399267] input: Logitech Logitech USB Headset as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1/usb8/8-1/8-  
 +  1:1.3/input/input85 
 +  [37013.449648] hid-generic 0003:046D:0A44.004B: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.00 Device [Logitech Logitech USB  
 +  Headset] on usb-0000:00:10.1-1/input3 
 +Right-click the speaker icon in the top panel and choose Sound Preferences.  Or, navigate to System > Preferences > Hardware > Sound \\ 
 +Sound effects tab:  Sound theme: No Sounds\\ 
 +Hardware tab:  Highlight Headset H390, Profile: Analog Stereo Output + Analog Mono Input \\ 
 +Input tab:  choose Headset H390 Analog Mono \\ 
 +Output tab:  choose Headset H390 Analog Stereo, Connector is Headphones 
 +Settings are saved to $HOME/.config/pulse 
 +See Linux Mint [[|Sound settings keep switching output against my will]] and possibly [[|HDMI + Sound + Mint 18]]
centos_8_migration_notes.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/08 16:03 by juckins