Rocky Linux 9 Migration Notes


Old news, but LibreOffice no longer supported by RedHat. Get the latest LibreOffice from

Unpack the tar and verify you see individual RPMs. Then:

dnf localinstall *.rpm

You can then start an application like this:

libreoffice24.8 --calc test.csv

Make a .bashrc alias for shortcuts.


Upgrade to Rocky Linux 9.5:

Had to run the following due to package problems (which will break 'vlc')

dnf remove compat-ffmpeg4 ffmpeg-libs vlc 
dnf update
dnf install vlc gstreamer1-plugin-openh264

Then security cameras running vlc and totem worked correctly.


Upgrade to Rocky Linux 9.4:

Had to run dnf remove gnome-applets to allow upgrade to proceed.

After the upgrade the test Rocky Linux 9.3 VM would not start X with Xfce. Tried a bunch of things like reinstalling all RPMs, getting list of matching RPMs against another VM that upgraded OK but X still would not start. /var/log/messages just kept showing the X server was crashing.

Discovered that if you select the "Standard (Wayland display server)" option on the login page, let the system start its display and log out, then you can login with Xfce successfully.

Very odd but that seems to be the workaround for this upgrade.

NOTE 1: The fresh install instructions below were tested on Rocky Linux 9.3

NOTE 2: Upgrading Rocky Linux 9.2 to 9.3 in late November 2023 resulted in ImageMagick errors. Tried to remove ImageMagick*, then upgrade 9.2 to 9.3, and then reinstall ImageMagick* but the same error occurs. Fix was to disable /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-next.repo and then reinstall ImageMagick*.

NOTE 3: To migrate from Rocky Linux 8.x to 9, try these steps.

The notes below have been combined from CentOS 8 Migration Notes and CentOS 7 Migration Notes.
It is based on the Xfce Desktop Environment. MATE is available, see notes at bottom of the page.

Before Starting


Post Installation

Other Notes

MATE is now available. See MATE Documentation

Known issues