Potential programs for Linux:
rdesktop -a 32 -x 0x8F -g 1600x1200 -f HOST -u USERNAME -d DOMAIN
connects to Windows Vista/7 at 32 bit
the "-x 0x8F" forces font smoothing
CTRL-ALT-ENTER will toggle full screen mode on/off
When connecting to Windows7 host, get a black cursor
rdesktop-1.7.0-0.1.el6.rfx.i686.rpm (rpm -Uvh to upgrade default CentOS 6.2 version)
rdesktop-1.7.0-0.1.el5.rfx.i386.rpm (rpm -Uvh to upgrade default CentOS 5.7 version)
prerequisite is libsndfile-1.0.17-5.el5.i386.rpm
prerequisite is libsamplerate-0.1.2-8.el5.i386.rpm
#define RDP5_NO_WALLPAPER 0x01
#define RDP5_NO_THEMING 0x08
#define RDP5_NO_CURSOR_SHADOW 0x20
#define RDP5_NO_CURSORSETTINGS 0x40 /* disables cursor blinking */
Summary of workaround settings:
rdesktop -x 0x8F mywinserver # equals the modem default + font smoothing
rdesktop -x 0x81 mywinserver # equals the broadband default + font smoothing
rdesktop -x 0x80 mywinserver # equals the LAN default + font smoothing
RHEL5: Applications > Internet > Krdc
RDP defaults allow you to set screen size
Control panel at top of Krdc launder allow you to toggle full screen mode on/off, also disconnect
Suggest turning off Kwallet to store passswords
When connecting to Windows7 host, get a black cursor
tsclient (Terminal Server Client)
Just a frontend for rdesktop, vncviewer, wfica, xnest
After you disconnect your sessions, the program annoyingly asks if you want to reconnect in 30 secs or it will do automatically
Doesn't appear to be a way to pass arguments to rdesktop for the font-smoothing; also gives black cursor
Remmina (formerly GRDC)
Blank Monitor after using Remote Desktop Connection
Best answer is to disable bitmap caching in the Windows Remote Desktop Connection