RockyLinux 9 Notes:
CentOS 8 Notes:
Required packages if CentOS7 7.2.1511:
Other CentOS 7 Notes:
Directions based on this page by Matthew Hawthorne:
1. If it exists, make sure /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf is the distro version with no changes
2. Make a backup copy of /etc/postfix/
3. Edit /etc/postfix/ to have these settings:
# Sets gmail as relay relayhost = []:587 # Use tls smtp_use_tls=yes # Use sasl when authenticating to foreign SMTP servers smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes # Path to password map file smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd # NOTE: This section *should* be configured properly in CentOS8 and RockyLinux9 by default # list of CAs to trust when verifying server certificate #smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt # Below is provided by ca-certificates package (Mozilla CA root certificate bundle) smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt # Eliminates default security options which are incompatible with Gmail smtp_sasl_security_options = # Modify debugging (make sure to comment pre-existing entries) debug_peer_level=3
4. Add your own Gmail credentials to /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd (the password needs to be a Google App-Specific password to get around the 2FA requirement
[]:587 [email protected]:GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD
5. Run the following as root:
# postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
6. Make sure the /etc/sasl_passwd* files are owned by the postfix user:
# chown postfix sasl_passwd*
7. Tighten permissions:
# chmod 600 sasl_passwd sasl_passwd.db
8. Restart postfix:
# /bin/systemctl restart postfix.service
# /etc/init.d/postfix reload
# service postfix restart
9. Add these lines to the global /etc/Muttrc.local (easier than adding it to each user's $HOME/.muttrc):
set from = "`whoami`@`hostname`" set realname = "`whoami`@`hostname`"
10. Send a test message:
mutt -s "Test1" [email protected] </dev/null
or to send a message without using a separate file but note mailx is probably not looking at .muttrc:
echo 'It works' | mailx -s 'Test message' [email protected]
mailx -a test.txt -s "test subject" user@domain < /dev/null
Other links:
How to send email with my CentOS server
Setting up gmail as a relay host in postfix (without creating certificates)
How To Use Gmail or Yahoo with PHP mail() Function
Updating certificates (not needed at this point)