==== Remote Desktop in Linux ==== Potential programs for Linux: __rdesktop__ rdesktop -a 32 -x 0x8F -g 1600x1200 -f HOST -u USERNAME -d DOMAIN * connects to Windows Vista/7 at 32 bit * Note that the "-a" option is not found in the man pages * the "-x 0x8F" forces font smoothing * CTRL-ALT-ENTER will toggle full screen mode on/off * When connecting to Windows7 host, get a black cursor * Use [[http://rpmfind.net]] to install the following to fix black cursor problem: * rdesktop-1.7.0-0.1.el6.rfx.i686.rpm (rpm -Uvh to upgrade default CentOS 6.2 version) * rdesktop-1.7.0-0.1.el5.rfx.i386.rpm (rpm -Uvh to upgrade default CentOS 5.7 version) * prerequisite is libsndfile-1.0.17-5.el5.i386.rpm * prerequisite is libsamplerate-0.1.2-8.el5.i386.rpm * [[http://katastrophos.net/andre/blog/2008/03/10/rdesktop-connect-to-windows-vista-with-cleartype-font-smoothing-enabled/]] shows these technical details: \\ #define RDP5_DISABLE_NOTHING 0x00 #define RDP5_NO_WALLPAPER 0x01 #define RDP5_NO_FULLWINDOWDRAG 0x02 #define RDP5_NO_MENUANIMATIONS 0x04 #define RDP5_NO_THEMING 0x08 #define RDP5_NO_CURSOR_SHADOW 0x20 #define RDP5_NO_CURSORSETTINGS 0x40 /* disables cursor blinking */ Summary of workaround settings: rdesktop -x 0x8F mywinserver # equals the modem default + font smoothing rdesktop -x 0x81 mywinserver # equals the broadband default + font smoothing rdesktop -x 0x80 mywinserver # equals the LAN default + font smoothing \\ __KRDC__ rdp:/hostname.domain.com * RHEL5: Applications > Internet > Krdc * RDP defaults allow you to set screen size * Control panel at top of Krdc launder allow you to toggle full screen mode on/off, also disconnect * Suggest turning off Kwallet to store passswords * When connecting to Windows7 host, get a black cursor __tsclient (Terminal Server Client)__ * Just a frontend for rdesktop, vncviewer, wfica, xnest * After you disconnect your sessions, the program annoyingly asks if you want to reconnect in 30 secs or it will do automatically * Doesn't appear to be a way to pass arguments to rdesktop for the font-smoothing; also gives black cursor \\ __Remmina (formerly GRDC)__ * Not easy to install on RHEL5 from source; many dependencies \\ __Blank Monitor after using Remote Desktop Connection__ * http://www.urtech.ca/2014/02/solved-remote-desktop-shows-black-screen-in-windows-7-and-8/ * Best answer is to disable bitmap caching in the Windows Remote Desktop Connection GUI