==== ISO Image Tips ====
__Make a CD from an .iso image__
Open Nautilus file manager and browse to .iso file.
Right-click and choose “Write to disc” – DVD should then be created.
Or try the command line:
cdrecord -v -pad src.iso
__Create an .iso image from a CD__
su - root
mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=filename.iso
now check that the creation is okay with:
sum -r /dev/cdrom
sum -r
The 2 values should match.
__Create a DVD .iso from multiple .iso images__
This is helpful if you have 4 CD .isos (like an operating system distribution of CD 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, and 4 of 4) and you want just one .iso file on a single DVD disc for convenience purposes. \\
Create the separate .iso files and put them into 1 temporary directory by using:
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=filename.iso
check creation is okay with:
sum -r /dev/cdrom
sum -r
Now copy [[http://juckins.net/sysadmin/scripts/make.dvdiso.bash.txt|make.dvdiso.bash]] into that directory, and call it like this (use the 'export' command if the script has .bash extension?):
export _POSIX2_VERSION=199209
./make.dvdiso /iso/dir/path output_image_name.iso
that creates the .iso file. \\
Now you can burn it to DVD using other software, such as Roxio, Nero, or Sonic.