==== GMail as a Relay on Linux CENTOS7 (with 2-factor auth) ==== You can remove Postfix and use SSMTP as it has easier configuration. yum install ssmtp ca-certificates mutt Follow instructions at https://golb.hplar.ch/2018/06/send-only-email.html * See {{ ::sending_emails_from_your_linux_server.pdf|Sending_Emails_From_Your_Linux_Server.pdf}} To get desired sender (username@hostname) when using mutt to send, add this line to /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf: FromLineOverride=YES Add these lines to the global /etc/Muttrc.local (easier than adding it to each user's $HOME/.muttrc): set from = "`whoami`@`hostname`" set realname = "`whoami`@`hostname`" Successful test via manual send: mutt -s "Test4" user@gmail.com /path/to/logs/mutt_test.log The mutt_test.bash test script has this for content: #!/bin/bash date=`date` mutt -s "$date bash mutt test" user@gmail.com