Historical Amtrak on-time performance data

Connecting Trains Search

This page reports arrival and departure information for 2 trains. It can be used to determine the liklihood of making a connection.

Please note:

To search, enter the train numbers, station, and range of dates. You can adjust the number of minutes between trains to assume a good connection.

Arriving Train number:  Connecting Train number:

Connecting at station code:

Start date:    End date (optional):

Connecting on: Su  Mo  Tu  We  Th  Fr  Sa

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Connection History at PHL (Philadelphia - 30th Street Station, PA)

Arriving 643Departing 644
Sch ArAct ArSch DpAct Dp
07/16/2015 10:50 AM (Th)10:55AM07/16/2015 10:55 AM (Th)11:09AM
07/17/2015 10:50 AM (Fr)10:59AM07/17/2015 10:55 AM (Fr)10:59AM
07/20/2015 10:50 AM (Mo)10:51AM07/20/2015 10:55 AM (Mo)10:56AM
Missed 1 out of 3 possible connections, or 33%.